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Improve Mood with Healthy Fats and Amino Acids


Just under 10% of people in America complain low mood impacts their quality of life. There are many reasons for this, including both genetic and environmental. Concerning the environmental factors, nutrition is highly important. Adequate intake and absorption of amino acids from protein sources is necessary for the production of key neurotransmitters, such as serotonin (often called the “happy chemical”). Sufficient healthy fats, especially  EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are also necessary for neuron (brain cell) membranes themselves. A strong infrastructure of neural membranes makes many functions in the brain work efficiently—helping to improve mood.

Where to Find Healthy Fats to Improve Mood

The primary source for EPA and DHA fats in the human diet is from cold-water fish. These omega-3 fatty acids have been found to improve mood by decreasing inflammation levels and increasing levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine (1-3). Epidemiological surveys in many countries have observed a significant inverse correlation between per capita fish or seafood consumption and lifetime prevalence rates of low mood (4,5). Other studies have shown a similar correlation for postpartum mood concerns (6).

Regarding supplementation of fish oil, a cross-section survey of 21,835 adults who took cod liver oil on a daily basis were 30% less likely to have mood issues than non-users (7). For children, studies also have shown a correlation between a lack of these important fatty acids and low mood (8-13).

Historically, Americans used to eat a higher quantity of Omega-3 fatty acids (14). Now most of our fat intake comes from high Omega-6 fatty acids from processed foods. We have seen how this shift in the American diet away from fish-based diets in Arctic communities has led to a skyrocket in mood issues and cardiovascular health concerns(15).

When Neurotransmitter Modification Can Help Improve Mood

Of course, the causes of these issues are multi-faceted. Regular consumption of fish, or a fish oil supplement may not be enough to counteract pathology once it has begun. Controlled and open-label trials have found that fatty acid supplementation, when combined with neurotransmitter modification, leads to an even greater improvement in mood (16-19).

In all cases, accurate testing and protocol adjustment based on follow-up testing is advised. The best biomarker, or indicator, of fatty acid levels is a blood test of oleic acid. If oleic acid levels are low, nutrient absorption for many co-factors of neurotransmitter production will be compromised. The best biomarker, or indicator, of appropriate neurotransmitter levels, in the case of mood, is a urine test of serotonin and GABA. The best approach to improve mood is a method which combines follow-up testing of these important fatty acid levels and neurotransmitters.

They say that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” At Sanesco, we believe in wellness, not in treating disease. Emerging clinical evidence suggests that proactive measures of supplementing with these important substances is helpful in protecting against the development of mood concerns. Prospective findings from new research is showing how these anti-inflammatory molecules can prevent depressive symptoms in the first place and are helping us understand more clearly the link between inflammation and the development of mood complaints (20-22).

Sanesco offers a variety of Targeted Nutritional Therapies™ containing amino acids designed to support neurotransmitters. Find or become a Sanesco provider to get the right formula to support your mood.


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David Manwiller, MA

David Manwiller, MA

Disclaimer: The information provided is only intended to be general educational information to the public. It does not constitute medical advice. If you have specific questions about any medical matter or if you are suffering from any medical condition, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

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